Victims of stalking being failed by this Government- Abbott


Speaking in response to the report from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate
of Constabulary and the Crown Prosecution Inspectorate on the failures in
dealing with victims of stalking, Labour’s Shadow Home Secretary, Diane

“This report is deeply troubling. It highlights a series of
failings to tackle stalking, which can have serious or even fatal consequences.

“Government has cut the police by over 20,000. It tries to hide
behind the claim that crime is falling. But many serious crimes are rising,
including crimes of violence.

“Cuts have consequences. Police forces are over-stretched and this
leads to pressure to downgrade crimes, or not fully investigate them, as the
report highlights. The government should stop cutting core police budgets and
give forces the resources they need. Labour has pledged to restore 10,000
police officers when in government.”


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