Obamacare is Failing the American People


The previous Administration sold Obamacare to the American people through a series of empty promises. Premiums were supposed to drop, but instead they have soared by nearly $3,000. Choices were supposed to multiply, but instead they disappeared, leaving one third of American counties with only one insurer in 2017. The public was supposed to learn to love Obamacare, but 6.5 million Americans chose to pay $3 billion in penalties to the IRS instead of buying health insurance in 2015.

These are the facts about Obamacare, and no one understands them better than Vice President Mike Pence. As a Congressman, he watched the Obama Administration make untenable claims about the future benefits of Obamacare. As the Governor of Indiana, he saw the failure of Obamacare unleashed on state insurance markets across the country. And as a man of integrity and compassion, he understands that the real tragedy of Obamacare is found in the personal stories of millions of hardworking Americans who have been locked out of the healthcare system, and are unable to access the care they need.

In a recent speech to the Department of Health and Human Services, Vice President Pence told the story of one of those Americans—Julie Champine from Milwaukee, Wisconsin—and reaffirmed our Administration’s continued commitment to repealing and replacing Obamacare. You can hear Julie’s story and learn more facts about the collapse of Obamacare in the video above.