News story: VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance members announced


New alliance aims to bring the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector’s voice and expertise into national policy making.

On 20 April 2017, the Department of Health announced the 21 members of the new voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) Health and Wellbeing Alliance.

They are:

  • Age UK
  • Association for Young People’s Health
  • British Institute of Learning Disabilities
  • Complex Needs Consortium
  • Carers UK
  • Citizen’s Advice
  • Clinks
  • Faith Action
  • Friends, Families and Travellers
  • Homeless Link
  • LGBT Foundation
  • Maternity Action
  • Men’s Health Forum
  • Mental Health Partnership Forum
  • National Voices
  • National Association for Voluntary and Community Action
  • National Council for Voluntary Organisations
  • National Council for Palliative Care
  • Race Equality Foundation
  • UK Health Forum
  • Win-Win Alliance

The members were selected from over 180 organisations that applied to join.

The alliance aims to make it easier for the voluntary and statutory sectors to work together to:

  • improve health and care systems
  • address health inequalities
  • help people, families and communities to achieve and maintain wellbeing

It also aims to bring the VCSE sector’s voice and expertise into national policy making.

The alliance succeeds the Health and Care Strategic Partner Programme which ended on 31 March 2017.

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