Debbie Abrahams MP comment on today’s ONS labour market statistics


Debbie Abrahams MP, Labour’s Shadow Work
and Pensions Secretary
, commenting on today’s labour market stats from the
Office for National Statistics (ONS), said:

“We welcome the overall increase in
employment, but are deeply concerned that millions remain in low paid, insecure

“The Government has also failed to close
the employment gap faced by women, disabled people and BAME groups, who have
too often borne the brunt of austerity cuts.

“With the cost of basic essentials rising
by 2.9 per cent, while wages stagnate, too many of Britain’s families are
struggling to get by while Theresa May focuses on holding her unstable
coalition of chaos together.

“Only a Labour government
will ensure working people’s living standards are protected with a real Living
Wage of £10 per hour, and an immediate end to austerity spending cuts.

“The Prime Minister must stand aside and
let a Labour government build an economy that works for the many, not the few.”

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