May floundered on her record on police cuts, on funding for our NHS and schools


Jeremy Corbyn spokesperson,
responding to Theresa May’s appearance on the Sky
and Channel 4 #BattleForNumber10 debate, said:

“Theresa May floundered on her record on police cuts, on funding for our
NHS and schools and on her manifesto policy on social care that didn’t last
more than a few days before it was amended with an unspecified cap. It’s no
surprise she had no answers because the Tories plan to continue the tax
giveaways to the wealthy and big business while offering no new funding for
public services.

"There is a clear choice in this election about the kind of country we
want Britain to be – between Labour’s plan to transform Britain for the many
not the few, and a Conservative Party that has held people back and put its
wealthy backers first.”


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