McDonnell challenges Hammond to a live TV debate on the economy


Shadow Chancellor today has challenged the Chancellor to a live TV debate on
the economy before 8th June. In a video released online after Labour published
their manifesto and full costings, John McDonnell, said:  

Labour Party published its manifesto and we published the detailed costings of
all our policy proposals and where the funding would come from to pay for those

set the framework  for the management of our economy for the future,
managing the economy for the many not the few. 

we want to have a democratic debate in this election. Theresa May is hiding
from a debate with Jeremy Corbyn on television, but you know in France they had
that debate between the two main contenders for the presidency and it’s part of
our democratic system.

come on Mr Hammond, come and have a debate with me because I believe once
we’ve had that debate people will realise just what your government is all

austerity stifling our economy, failing to ensure that people in work are
properly paid and undermining those people who can’t work as a result of your
benefit cuts.

challenging Philip Hammond to a debate on Tory cuts and on the economic
strategy that Labour has set out for strong economy that benefits the many and
not few.

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