Honoring Law Enforcement this National Police Week




In 1962, President John F. Kennedy declared May 15 as Peace Officers’ Memorial Day, and this week around the country will be National Police Week.

Every year since 1982, members of our law enforcement community, their families and friends have gathered on this day in Washington, D.C. to mourn the fallen and remember their heroism through a memorial service.

Yesterday, we upheld that tradition once again as we gathered at the U.S. Capitol to pay our respects to the sacrifice and memory of the fallen.

We honor the memory of our heroic fallen in tributes like these across the nation this week. But we also vow to honor their sacrifice by ensuring that those who protect and serve have the support, resources, and training that the men and women of law enforcement deserve. 

As those in uniform across this country already know, President Trump’s highest priority is the safety and security of the American people.

This President knows in his heart that to make America safe again we must also restore the tradition of respect and honor that is owed to every member of the law enforcement community in America.

President Trump stands with the men and women of law enforcement without apology – and he always will.

On this National Police Week, may God himself comfort the families of the fallen and those looking on, may God bless our law enforcement as they protect and serve, and may God bless the United States of America.