Almost half a million food parcels handed out since 2011


15 May 2017

Almost half a million food parcels handed out since 2011

Food banks have handed out nearly half a million emergency food parcels under the SNP and the Tories, new analysis from Scottish Labour reveals. 

Labour analysis of Trussell Trust figures shows that, since figures began being recorded, 488,766 three-day emergency food parcels were handed out, with more than 150,000 going to children.

Further cuts would drive more families into poverty and towards food banks. A Labour government would deliver a real living wage of £10 an hour and invest in local services.

Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale said:

“Under the Tories and the SNP nearly half a million emergency food parcels have been handed out to people across Scotland.

“That’s the brutal reality of two governments more obsessed with the constitution than delivering for working families. In a country as wealthy as Scotland it should shame the SNP and the Tories that working families can’t afford to feed themselves.

“A Labour government will end austerity in the UK. Labour will invest in local services, abolish the bedroom tax and deliver a real living wage of £10 an hour.

“That’s the difference a Labour government can make. Labour will focus on the day job, while the SNP obsesses with independence and the Tories drive us towards a hard Brexit.

“Every Scottish Labour MP we send to the House of Commons will oppose austerity and fight for the best Brexit deal for Britain. 

“On 8 June we can send Nicola Sturgeon a message that she should focus on the day job instead of trying to force another divisive independence referendum.”

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