A Labour Government would give leaseholders security from rip-off ground rents – Healey


John Healey MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State
for Housing
, commenting on new government statistics showing
that there are four million leasehold dwellings in England, said:

“These new figures confirm for the first time the
scale of leasehold ownership in England.

“Home-owners who own their home as leaseholders are
currently unprotected from rip-off rises in ‘ground rents’ from developers or
management companies.

“At its worst this is little better than legalised
extortion and too many leaseholders are having to pay hefty bills as a result.
Under a Labour Government this sharp practice would end.

“This is unfinished business for Labour – we gave
leaseholders more protection in government, but the continuing problem now
means we must do more.

“A Labour Government would give leaseholders
security from rip-off ground rents and end the routine use of leasehold
ownership in new housing developments.”

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