It is vital that the Prime Minister reflects on these guidelines and sets about building alliances and good faith with our EU partners – Starmer


Starmer MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union,
commenting to the
European Parliament vote on the negotiating guidelines for exiting the EU,

is important that the European Parliament has reached agreed guidelines, and we
particularly welcome the emphasis that negotiations should be conducted in
‘good faith and full transparency’.

also strongly support the Parliament’s insistence that a future EU-UK deal requires
the UK to retain international standards on human rights, climate change,
social rights and the fight against tax evasion and avoidance. Labour’s six
tests for the final Brexit deal made clear that there can be no drop in
EU-derived rights and protections.

will be the most complex and important negotiations for decades and it is vital
that the Prime Minister reflects on these guidelines and sets about building
alliances and good faith with our EU partners.”

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