Tory Government is failing the victims of trafficking as statistics show rise – Abbott


Diane Abbott, Labour’s Shadow Home Secretary, responding
to National Referral Mechanism statistics showing that child trafficking is rising,

“This Tory Government is failing the victims
of trafficking.

“Recorded child trafficking has reached a record
high, but these figures are still well below the Government’s own estimate.
Meanwhile, decisions to provide support for victims have fallen to a record

“The Tories promised in their manifesto to tackle
trafficking and child exploitation. Instead they have imposed even further cuts
on the Border Force and police, the frontline in the fight against these
horrific crimes.”



Notes to editor

1. Annual
statistics on reports to the National Referral Mechanism show that in total
there were 3,805 potential victims of trafficking in 2016; a 17% increase on
2015. However, child exploitation referrals rose by 30% to 1,278.

2. The
figures also show that positive conclusive decisions — which enable victims to
access support — decreased to 635, compared with 1,028 the previous year.

3.  Full report – National Crime Agency, NRM End of
Year Summary 2016, 29 March 2017,

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