Backbench SNP MSP goes rogue on the NHS


3 Apr 2017

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An SNP MSP has taken the unusual step of launching his own plan for future of the NHS – despite having no involvement in his party’s health set-up.

Alex Neil, who previously occupied the role of health secretary, unveiled his strategy today through the organisation Options for Scotland.

In it, he acknowledges that the longer-term challenges facing the health service have been “swept under the carpet” and suggests a range of solutions.

However, his event doesn’t appear to have the backing of either the SNP nor the Scottish Government, even though Mr Neil is a member of both.

The launch release makes no mention of current health secretary Shona Robison.

This is the latest example of Mr Neil contradicting both SNP and Scottish Government policy, after he admitted voting for the UK to leave the EU last year.

Scottish Conservative shadow health secretary Donald Cameron said:

“It appears Alex Neil is so dissatisfied with his own government’s running of the NHS he deems it necessary to go his own way on the matter.

“SNP HQ will be furious that he is trying to sideline the health secretary on this one.

“People will wonder why on earth an SNP backbencher is taking it upon himself to do this.

“His pleas internally have obviously fallen on deaf ears, and now he is taking his own agenda to the wider public.

“There’s no question that the NHS in Scotland needs substantial review, and many of these points are worthy of consideration.

“But as long as the SNP prioritises the break-up of Britain over the running of the NHS, no real improvements will take place.”

For more on Alex Neil’s plans, visit:

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