Guidance: Northern North Sea marine area: index map and site packages


Updated: New sites added: Aln Estuary MCZ, Coquet to St Mary’s MCZ and Farne Islands SPA. Northumberland Marine SPA and Northumbria Coast SPA now at formal stage.

Find out if your activity, proposal or area of responsibility has a potential impact on the species and habitats in the marine protected areas in the Northern North Sea.

Advice packages are listed alphabetically. Packages marked ‘awaiting update’ on the map have not been updated on the Designated Sites System but advice may still exist. These sites are not listed here, but you can search for all sites on the Designated Sites View site search. This will include links to any existing advice.

Advice packages in the Northern North Sea

Aln Estuary Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0001) Draft

Coquet Island Special Protection Area (UK9006031) Draft

Coquet to St Mary’s Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0030) Draft

Farne Islands Special Protection Area (UK9006021) Draft

Flamborough Head Special Area of Conservation (UK0013036) Draft

Lindisfarne Special Protection Area (UK9006011) Draft

Northumberland Marine Special Protection Area (UK9020325) Formal

Northumbria Coast Special Protection Area (UK9006131) Formal

Runswick Bay Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0039) Draft

Tweed Estuary Special Area of Conservation (UK0030292) Formal

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