There seems to have been a revolving door between CH2M and HS2 which must be investigated – Andy McDonald


McDonald, Labour’s Shadow Transport Secretary,
commenting on
reports that engineering firm CH2M has pulled out of a deal to provide rail
lines for phase 2b of HS2, said:

remarkable the Department of Transport failed to do proper due diligence on
this multi-million pound bid.

could ministers not realise giving CH2M a £170m contract when HS2’S new chief
executive and his predecessor both worked for the firm was a massive
conflict of interest?

seems to have been a revolving door between CH2M and HS2 which must be
investigated. This is just as big a mess as the Department of Transport’s
mishandling of the West Coast franchise bid.

Grayling must come to the House of Commons at the earliest opportunity to
explain how this bidding process was allowed to derail. They chose to bury the
bad news on Article 50 day. There must now be an inquiry into the serious
errors surrounding this bid and the Government must get the construction of
HS2, which Labour supports, back on track.”

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