Scottish Conservatives to oppose SNP’s independence bid


20 Mar 2017


The Scottish Conservatives will vote against the SNP government’s plan to take Scotland back to an immediate referendum campaign.

Ahead of the two-day Holyrood debate, the party said a majority of Scots did not want a separation re-run, and it was the wrong course of action to take.

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said:

“The SNP’s motion makes it clear that Nicola Sturgeon is determined to fire the starting gun on another divisive referendum campaign this week.

“At a time when we should be coming together as a country, it is the wrong course of action to take.

“A clear majority of Scots say they don’t want to go through the uncertainty of another referendum at this time.

“Worse, Nicola Sturgeon wants to trigger an immediate campaign while still hiding the facts on independence, such as the currency, EU membership and the price tag it would entail.

“Nicola Sturgeon wants to set a date but she won’t tell us the plan. It is utterly irresponsible.

“We all had a vote on our membership of the UK three years ago. The SNP promised to respect that result. Yet now Nicola Sturgeon is using Brexit as an excuse to take us back to the division and uncertainty of the past.

“We believe a referendum cannot happen while the Brexit process is being played out.

“And we believe a referendum should not happen when there is no public or political consent for it to happen.

“It is a reasonable and rational position to hold. Scotland is saying loud and clear to Nicola Sturgeon – now is not the time.”

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