This unprecedented warning from trusts is a new low for this Government’s mishandling of our NHS – Jonathan Ashworth MP


Commenting on the warning from NHS Providers that frontline NHS services face “mission impossible” in meeting next year’s targets, Jonathan Ashworth MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, said:

“This unprecedented warning from trusts is a new low for this Government’s disgraceful mishandling of our NHS.

“Theresa May has downplayed the worst winter crisis on record, in which nine out of ten hospitals were dangerously overcrowded, and ducked her responsibility to patients by failing to provide significant funding in the Spring Budget.

“Years of damaging Tory neglect have left the NHS unable to deliver on its constitution and yet ministers remain in denial of the crisis they have created.

“The public now expects urgent and immediate action to provide patients with the world-class, 21st Century health and social care system they truly deserve.”

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