Royal Air Force Engineers Support on Operations


Royal Air Force Engineers Support on Operations

Air Force personnel from 903 Expeditionary Air Wing are working 24 hours a day, 7 days
a week to keep the aircraft flying in support of counter-Daesh operations. With
the RAF currently operating at its highest tempo in 25 years, it is the skill
and dedication of its personnel that keep its jets in the air. The Tornado
Detachment work around the clock maintaining and preparing the Tornados for their missions over Iraq and Syria.

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Squadron’s Junior Engineering Officer said: “Our airmen are working 12 hour
shifts week in, week out to make sure the jets are prepared for their next flight.
It’s hard work but we all know how important our contribution is to the
overall achievement of the mission.”

on an older jet, like Tornado, can be tough but it’s a rewarding challenge,”
said one Aircraft Technician. “I have worked with Tornados for five
years and it’s a great platform – really capable in what it can do”.

RAF Tornados providing the Coalition with some of the most advanced weaponry
and air surveillance, the Squadron’s tempo is showing no signs of slowing up.
The RAF has carried out over 1,000 airstrikes as part of the Coalition fight
against Daesh in Iraq and Syria and the personnel working behind the
scenes make it all possible.

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usually takes up to 16 people to get one wave of jets airborne,” said one
Aircraft Technician. The team consists of Survival Equipment Specialists,
Aircraft Technicians (Mechanic), Aircraft Technicians (Avionics), Weapons Technicians,
Line Supervisors and Aircraft Maintenance Mechanics. The team works under the
direction and supervision of the Junior Engineering Officer who has the final
say on engineering decisions on the jets preparing for take-off. The team is on
standby to provide quick reactive engineering support to the jets as the crews
fire them up ready for take-off.

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checks can identify if there are any issues with a jet. All our technicians work hard to
fix these as quickly as possible to keep the mission on track,” said the
Squadron’s Flight Sergeant. The squadron’s technicians work tirelessly to prepare the aircraft for each mission, and nothing
demonstrates their hard work more than watching a Tornado soar off in to the
night skyline.

Editor: Flt Lt Laura McDonald

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