It is deeply concerning that millions remain in low paid, insecure work – Debbie Abrahams


Debbie Abrahams MP, Shadow Work and
Pensions Secretary,
on today’s Labour Market Statistics, said:

“We welcome the overall increase in
employment, but are deeply concerned that millions remain in low paid, insecure

“The Government has also failed to close
the employment gap faced by women, disabled people and ethnic minority groups,
who are all less likely to be in work.  

“Working families face the increasing
costs of basic essentials, stagnating wages and the Government slashing social
security, leaving families £1,400 a year worse off up to 2020.

“Labour would reverse cuts to in-work
support that could see working families lose £2,600 a year, ban the
exploitative zero-hours contracts being used on hundreds of thousands of
workers, and guarantee a real Living Wage.”

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