Boy injects rice soup into belly


Si Shunyang, a nine-year-old boy in Yunnan, has to inject liquid food to live. [Photo/

Si Shunyang, a nine-year-old boy in Yunnan Province, has to inject liquid food such as porridge and milk into his belly to live.

He drank sodium hydroxide by mistake on Feb. 21, 2016 and was sent to a local hospital immediately. Sodium hydroxide is a corrosive strong alkali that burned the boy’s esophagus. Si Xingchang, the boy’s father, said that sodium hydroxide is used for cooking at home but his son drank it because he thought it was beverage.

After leaving the hospital, the boy could not swallow food. “I took my kid to the hospital in Kunming, and the doctor told me that only hospitals in Beijing, Shanghai and overseas countries can cure my son,” said the boy’s father.

Si Xingchang took his son to Shanghai, where he had surgery on April 14, 2016. “The result of the surgery was good at first. But my son again could not swallow any food after coming back from Shanghai,” said by Si Xingchang.

He then took his son to Chengdu for treatment. “The doctor told me that my son’s condition is not suitable for surgery now,” said Si Xingchang. Since then, he feeds his son liquid food such as porridge and milk by injecting the liquid food from a fistula on his son’s belly.

Half a year ago, the doctor told Si Xingchang that his son could be in danger without a surgery. However, he has already spent out all of his money.

After the report of local media this February, Si Xingchang received 200,000 yuan in (US$29,000) donations.

He took his son to a hospital in Chengdu on March 7. The little boy will have two examinations on March 11 and March 13. The doctor will decide whether the surgery can be arranged or not based on the results of the two examinations.

The little boy has been out of school for a year. He said his biggest wish is to go back to school as soon as possible.

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