£32million to reduce flood risk to over 2,000 homes


The funding, which is allocated for 2017-18, is the largest capital budget for flood risk management  in recent years and demonstrates the priority the Welsh Government places on supporting communities.

Later today, the Cabinet Secretary will update the National Learning to Live with Flooding in Wales conference on the Welsh Government’s work to support those living at risk of flooding.

During her speech the Cabinet Secretary will also confirm over £144million capital funding for flood risk management, in addition to the £150million coastal programme, over the five year Government term. Of this, £5million will support design and development work for coastal risk management projects.

The Cabinet Secretary will also use the speech to announce that £1million of the flood budget will be ring-fenced each year for the next four years to support smaller scale works and maintenance to be carried out by Local Authorities.

This follows the successful trial of a grant scheme to support smaller works, which provided funding for 73 projects to reduce risk to 700 properties across Wales. This demonstrates it is not just big expensive flood schemes which make a difference to communities.

Speaking ahead of today’s conference, the Cabinet Secretary said:

“Flooding can have a devastating impact on the lives of those affected. We know that climate and weather patterns are continuing to change and as a result flooding is likely to become more frequent. We therefore need to do all we can to reduce the risk to our communities while helping them to adapt to the risks they face which are beyond control.

“I am pleased to confirm we will be providing £32million in 2017-18, our largest capital budget in recent years, to help reduce the risk of flooding to thousands of homes and businesses. This highlights the priority we place on protecting and strengthening communities against flooding.”

Changes will also be made to make sure focus and funding is going to the areas most at risk. Future flood programmes will be prioritised by making use of the Communities at Risk Register alongside local knowledge and data of historical flood events.

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£32million to reduce flood risk to over 2,000 homes


The funding, which is allocated for 2017-18, is the largest capital budget for flood risk management  in recent years and demonstrates the priority the Welsh Government places on supporting communities.

Later today, the Cabinet Secretary will update the National Learning to Live with Flooding in Wales conference on the Welsh Government’s work to support those living at risk of flooding.

During her speech the Cabinet Secretary will also confirm over £144million capital funding for flood risk management, in addition to the £150million coastal programme, over the five year Government term. Of this, £5million will support design and development work for coastal risk management projects.

The Cabinet Secretary will also use the speech to announce that £1million of the flood budget will be ring-fenced each year for the next four years to support smaller scale works and maintenance to be carried out by Local Authorities.

This follows the successful trial of a grant scheme to support smaller works, which provided funding for 73 projects to reduce risk to 700 properties across Wales. This demonstrates it is not just big expensive flood schemes which make a difference to communities.

Speaking ahead of today’s conference, the Cabinet Secretary said:

“Flooding can have a devastating impact on the lives of those affected. We know that climate and weather patterns are continuing to change and as a result flooding is likely to become more frequent. We therefore need to do all we can to reduce the risk to our communities while helping them to adapt to the risks they face which are beyond control.

“I am pleased to confirm we will be providing £32million in 2017-18, our largest capital budget in recent years, to help reduce the risk of flooding to thousands of homes and businesses. This highlights the priority we place on protecting and strengthening communities against flooding.”

Changes will also be made to make sure focus and funding is going to the areas most at risk. Future flood programmes will be prioritised by making use of the Communities at Risk Register alongside local knowledge and data of historical flood events.

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