It’s about time Justice Secretary Truss stopped mud-slinging and took responsibility – Richard Burgon


Burgon MP, Labour’s Shadow Justice Secretary
, responding to Justice Secretary
Liz Truss’s speech at the Centre for Social Justice, said:

about time Justice Secretary Truss stopped mud-slinging and took
responsibility. Liz Truss knows full well it is not and never has been Labour’s
policy to halve the prison population. Labour’s policy is to properly fund and
run our prison and probation service, make the safety of prison staff a top
priority and make society safer by jailing those who are a threat to public
safety. Labour will make rehabilitation work.

in power have made a mess of our prison and probation service and have created
the current prisons crisis. This is dangerous for staff, dangerous for inmates
and dangerous for the public.  We await with interest the Prisons and
Courts Bill which will hopefully have some of the detail Liz Truss’s White
Paper failed to provide.“


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