Theresa May must take action or the divisions between north and south will become even deeper – Rayner


Angela Rayner MP, Shadow Education Secretary, commenting on the first report of the Northern Powerhouse, said:

“This report from George Osborne’s think tank is
all very well, but let’s not forget that he was a Chancellor in a Tory
Government that presided over falling school budgets, a chronic teacher
shortage and not enough good school places.

“The Tories’ huge cuts to schools funding will hit
schools in the North hard, making the problems highlighted in this report even
worse. The Northern Powerhouse means nothing unless the Government is
prepared to invest in education, skills and infrastructure.

“Theresa May must take action or the divisions
between North and South will become even deeper, with working people paying the
price for inequality. The Government must stop undermining our schools’ ability
to deliver an excellent education for all by failing to invest in our
children’s future.”

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