Only Labour will rewrite the rules of our economy and deliver the investment needed to rebuild and transform our country – John McDonnell


John McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow
, commenting on today’s growth forecast
from the Bank of England, said:

“While we welcome today’s growth forecasts, projections for wage
growth in coming years have been cut. This will come as little surprise to
those whose incomes are still below where they were ten years ago as a result
of a rigged economy under the Tories.

“Yesterday the Resolution Foundation warned of the worst period of
income growth for middle and low earners since the 1960s. After seven years of
Tory failure, there is little sign of an end to the pressure on living
standards for most of the population.”

“Only Labour will rewrite the rules of our economy and deliver the
investment needed to rebuild and transform our country so that no one and no
community is left behind.”

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