The Government must listen to this stark warning from the LGA that councils can no longer meet either their duties or the spirit of the Care Act – Keeley


on the LGA warning that the Care Act faces failure without new funding,
Barbara Keeley, Labour’s Shadow Cabinet Member for Social Care, said:

“It is time that Tory Ministers accepted that the social
care crisis is caused by insufficient funding in the face of growing demand.
Ministers have ignored repeated warnings from leaders and professionals in the
health and care sectors about the impact of the £4.6 billion of cuts made to
Adult Social Care budgets since 2010.

“It is deeply worrying that councils are now having to
spell out the risks that this lack of funding is causing. We should not
tolerate the fact that growing levels of basic needs are going unmet, care
visits are shorter and there is increased strain on unpaid family carers.

“The Government must listen to this stark warning from
the LGA that councils can no longer meet either their duties or the spirit of
the Care Act. Now is the time for the Government to bring forward genuinely new
funding for social care to protect the vital services that older and disabled
people need.”

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