7 November 2017: Annual High-Level Meeting with Religious Leaders

The news:

Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans will host European Parliament Vice-President Mairead McGuiness and the leaders of different religious communities in Europe at the annual high-level meeting. This year’s discussion will be framed around the theme of ‘The Future of Europe: a values-based and effective Union’.

The background:

The dialogue with churches, religious associations or communities and philosophical and non-confessional organisations allows for an open exchange of views between EU institutions and important parts of European society on EU policies. It was established in the beginning of the 1990s by EU Commission President Jacques Delors and offers an opportunity to engage in the European policy making process. Currently the dialogue is under responsibility of the First Vice President Timmermans.

The event:

The high-level meeting takes place from 10h00 to 12h00, and is followed by a working lunch. A press conference is planned for 12h00, in the European Commission’s Berlaymont press room. The press conference will include opening remarks by First Vice-President Timmermans and Vice-President McGuiness, and the opportunity to ask questions to all participants. Bilateral interviews may also be possible, and interested journalists are invited to get in touch with the Commission’s Spokespersons’ Service.

The sources:

More information about the dialogue with churches, religious associations or communities and philosophical and non-confessional organisations is available here. The press release on the 2016 high level meeting is available here.