£6m to support older people to live at home
Care & Repair agencies work in every part of Wales and provide services to help older people live as independently as possible in their own homes. As well as delivering small adaptations to properties, agencies also provide free home visits to help keep residents safe and warm, and protect their health and well-being.
Rebecca Evans said:
“Housing adaptations play an important role in helping many older and disabled people live safely and independently. As well as improving their lives, it reduces pressure on frontline health and social care services. The services provided by Care and Repair agencies help people to live longer at home with more confidence and dignity, and with an improved quality of life.
“This funding will enable agencies to provide valuable support at the heart of the communities they serve, working closely with partners in Health, Social Care, Housing and the rest of the third sector.”
There are 13 Care and Repair agencies in Wales whose responsibilities cover every local authority area. Last year Care and Repair agencies helped more than 40,000 older people in Wales, carried out over £11.5 million of repairs, helped more than 22,000 with safety and falls-prevention work, and carried out some 17,000 small adaptations.