£3m boost for the Welsh Language

Enabling people to use the language at work, along with ensuring the public have access to high quality Welsh language services is essential if we are to achieve our goal of a million speakers.

The National Centre for Learning Welsh is responsible for providing strategic leadership to the Welsh for Adults sector. This role includes the development and provision of Welsh for Adults courses in the workplace, particularly for bodies that fall under the language standards regime.

The Welsh Government has worked closely with the National Centre to develop a plan for the additional money earmarked in the 2017-18 budget agreement with Plaid Cymru.

The Plan includes five strands:

  • Information and advice for employers ‘Cymraeg Gwaith/Work Welsh’
  • On-line welcome / reception courses ‘Croeso Cymraeg Gwaith/Work Welsh Welcome’
  • Intensive courses ‘Dysgu Cymraeg Gwaith/Learn Work Welsh’’
  • Courses for the early years workforce ‘Cymraeg Cynnar/Early Welsh’
  • Residential courses to improve confidence and provide specialist terminology ‘Defnyddio Cymraeg Gwaith/Use Work Welsh’

Alun Davies, Minister for the Welsh Language, told Assembly Members:

“The goal of this Government is to have one million Welsh speakers by 2050. In line with our shared ambition with Plaid Cymru we are allocating an additional £3m to ensure the Welsh language is used more extensively and to encourage more people to speak it.

“This investment will enable the National Centre for Learning Welsh to provide practical support to bodies, putting them in a position to provide an outstanding bilingual service to the public and comply with the Welsh language standards.”

Efa Gruffudd Jones, Chief Executive of the National Centre for Learning Welsh, added:

“We welcome this additional funding which will allow the Centre to build on progress already made in the Welsh for Adults sector in recent months and further support the Government’s ambitions for the Welsh language.

“Putting learners first is at the heart of the Centre’s work and this funding will enable new opportunities for individuals who want to learn or improve their Welsh to do so with the support of their employers.

“The ‘Cymraeg Gwaith/Work Welsh’ courses will sit alongside existing provision and we look forward to working with partners, employers and the Government to deliver this new learning programme, which will feature innovative interactive elements.”