The United Kingdom welcomes steps taken by Paraguay to promote and protect human rights, notably the promulgation of Law 5777/16 to eradicate all forms of violence against women in Paraguay. As the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the issue around the world, we encourage Paraguay to prioritise full implementation of this law by ensuring universal access to health, education and justice to all women and girls.
We also encourage Paraguay to share information on its mechanisms to protect human rights defenders, including those working on environmental issues and journalists, particularly regarding freedom of expression and freedom of assembly.
We recommend that Paraguay:
Safeguards the land tenure systems for all, including indigenous people and ensures they are protected from all forms of modern slavery such as forced or compulsory labour and debt bondage.
Passes legislation prohibiting discrimination, including comprehensive prohibitions against discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity.
Undertakes measures to prevent high incidence of early, unintended pregnancy, including comprehensive sexuality education in schools and access to services in support of sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Thank you.
Last updated 17 June 2021 + show all updates
Added translation to Spanish.
First published.
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