34th Universal Periodic Review: UK statement on Fiji

The Universal Periodic Review takes place in Geneva.

The Universal Periodic Review takes place in Geneva.

Mr President,

The United Kingdom welcomes Fiji’s commitment to the protection of human rights, and their follow-up since their last UPR, including ratifying the UNCAT.

We acknowledge Fiji’s leadership in discussions on how climate change will impact the enjoyment of human rights. This issue is particularly important for Pacific Island Countries and we will continue to work with Fiji on this.

We encourage further effort to tackle gender-based violence, including by strengthening and fully implementing legislation punishing domestic violence, by raising awareness to change attitudes and by encouraging girls and women to report violence. We encourage Fiji to ensure greater support for victims, including provision of shelters and access to counselling.

We also encourage Fiji to prioritise work to guarantee freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association.

We recommend that Fiji:

  1. Ratify and implement the ILO Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (P029).

  2. Adopt an open, merit-based process when selecting national candidates for UN Treaty Body elections.

  3. Review decrees limiting freedom of expression and association, particularly the Media, Essential National Industries and Public Order Decrees.

Thank you.

Published 6 November 2019