£30m for vital local road improvements


This vital new investment in local roads, being delivered through funding to all the local authorities, will help address problem areas and prevent deterioration of the network.

Alun Davies said,

“In my discussions with local government since taking up post, they have been clear with me about the pressures on the road network, and how in some parts of Wales, the state of local roads is simply not up to a safe standard.

“I am really pleased to be able to make this funding available to support a comprehensive refurbishment programme and improve future resilience of the local authority roads network.” 

Councillor Andrew Morgan, WLGA Spokesperson for Transport said:

“We are grateful to Welsh Government for listening to our calls for further funding to maintain the highway network. Residents, businesses and tourists across Wales rely on our roads on a daily basis and so it is vital to ensure that they are in a good condition. We welcome this funding as councils get to work on implementing highway asset management plans.”

Councillor Anthony Hunt, WLGA Spokesperson for Finance and Resources said:

“This funding will lift some of the pressures faced by councils in maintaining and improving road conditions in their areas. We are pleased that constructive and open dialogue with Welsh Government has yielded this investment, and we look forward to continue to have constructive and open dialogue to find sustainable responses to financial challenges faced by local government.”

The £30m is a one-off investment that will be based on an established highway allocation formula.

The fund was originally announced as part of the final Budget 2018-19, which set out a series of new revenue allocations for Wales as a result of funding consequentials received from the UK Autumn Budget.  

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