27th Pontignano Conference: “Navigating the New World”


The 27th edition of the Pontignano Conference, the most important appointment on the British-Italian agenda, organised by the British Council, the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities, and the British Embassy in Italy, in collaboration with Siena University and St. Antony’s College, Oxford, will take place in Siena from 26 to 28 September.

Chaired for the second time by Carlo Calenda, alongside David Willetts, this year’s edition is entitled “Navigating the New World”. Experts in various fields and senior representatives of the British and Italian governments will be attending the event, including the Italian Minister for European Affairs Vincenzo Amendola, the Italian Vice-Minister for Education Anna Ascani, the Italian Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Marina Sereni, and the Minister of State for Europe and the Americas, Christopher Pincher.

The official Conference data will be released and presented by John Peet, Political Editor at The Economist, and Alessandra Lanza, Senior Partner at Prometeia.

The British Ambassador to Italy, Jill Morris, said:

This edition will focus on the key global challenges we are both facing, in the name of centuries of friendship and partnership between Italy and the United Kingdom. Global strategic challenges and the role of the United Kingdom and Italy, including in the multilateral context. We are allies, and as such we work together on a daily basis in the UN, the G7, the G20, NATO. This conference will also be a great opportunity to develop solid foundations for a productive collaboration in view of COP26, which we are pleased to organise in cooperation with Italy.

We have to strenuously defend the rules, values and behaviours which have underpinned the success of our societies” – said Ciarán Devane, CEO British Council – “If we continue to nurture the foundations that provide us with the social capital required for further social and economic progress, we will be able to successfully overcome our problems.

The conference will start on Thursday, September 26th at 18:00 at the Aula Magna of the University of Siena. After the greetings from the co-chairs, Carlo Calenda and David Willetts, and from the Dean of the University of Siena, Prof. Francesco Frati, the proceedings will officially start with a presentation by Rino Rappuoli, Chief Scientist at GSK Vaccines, and Patrick Vallance, UK Government Chief Scientific Adviser.

The conference will continue on Friday and Saturday behind closed doors, in compliance with the Chatham House Rule*, at the Certosa di Pontignano, just outside Siena, articulating around four thematic areas that will allow participants to tackle some fundamental issues for the future of our countries and Europe.

“Strategic Threats – or Strategic Partners? How should Europe, the UK and Italy engage with rival powers in order to preserve the Rules Based International System?”


  • Simon Fraser, Deputy Chairman, Royal Institute of International Affairs

  • Giampiero Massolo, President of ISPI and President of Fincantieri S.p.A

  • Nathalie Tocci, Director, IAI (Istituto Affari Internazionali)

“Building the Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future”


  • Nick Bridge, Foreign Secretary’s Special Representative for Climate Change, UK

  • Alyssa Gilbert, Director of Policy and Translation at the Grantham Institute – Climate change and the Environment, Imperial College London

  • Enrico Giovannini, Professor of Economics, Tor Vergata and Sustainable Development, LUISS University

“Migration, Integration and Demographic Change”


  • Stefano Allievi, Professor of Sociology, University of Padua

  • David Coleman, Professor of Demography, Oxford University

  • Daniela di Capua, Immigration and Asylum policies expert

  • Sara Thornton, Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, UK

“Science and Society – Facts and Opinions”


  • Cristina Pozzi, CEO and co-founder Impactscool

  • Rino Rappuoli, Chief Scientist, GSK Vaccines

  • Patrick Vallance, UK Government Chief Scientific Adviser

The 2019 edition of the Pontignano Conference was made possible thanks to the generous support of: Algebris, AT&T, BP, Fincantieri, GSK, HSBC, Ipsos Mori, Jaguar, Leonardo, MBDA, Novamont, Shell, Snam, and the technical partnership of Antrox, AzzeroCO2, Tecnoconference.

  • Chatham House Rule: when a meeting or part of it is held in compliance with the Chatham House Rule the participants are free to use the information received but are not allowed to reveal the identity or affiliation of the speaker or any other participant that provided them.

Concept note and links to materials and images can be found on the dedicated British Council website pages.

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