24-hour A&E and inpatient services commence at Tin Shui Wai Hospital

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The Tin Shui Wai Hospital (TSWH) announced today (November 14) that the accident and emergency (A&E) services will be extended to 24 hours a day beginning next Wednesday (November 21) and a 32-bed mixed specialty ward will open the same day.
     The TSWH will provide round-the-clock A&E services to provide emergency medical care to residents of Tin Shui Wai area from 8am, November 21, while a mixed specialty ward managed by emergency physicians with a joint-consultation service will commence service at the same time.
     The Hospital Chief Executive of TSWH, Dr Deacons Yeung, said, "With due consideration to service demand of Tin Shui Wai residents, we further extend the operation of A&E to 24 hours and commence inpatient service upon completion of our preparations. Patients will receive initial treatment at the A&E department and be admitted to the mixed specialty ward for joint-consultation by emergency physicians and physicians for more comprehensive treatment and care.
     "The opening of inpatient service at TSWH will help apportion the service demand pressure of the New Territories West Cluster in the upcoming service surge."
     The operation of TSWH A&E has been smooth since service commencement in March last year, and it is currently providing a 12-hour service daily from 8am to 8pm. With an average daily attendance of around 250 and the peak attendance of 364, the TSWH A&E has effectively alleviated the service demand pressure of Tuen Mun Hospital and Pok Oi Hospital A&E.
     TSWH, the fifth hospital of NTWC, is currently providing A&E, special outpatient clinic, renal dialysis, allied health, diagnostic radiology, pharmacy and community nursing services.