22-23 May: European Business Summit

The news:

The 2017 European Business Summit will take place in Brussels from 22 to 23 May, bringing decision makers and business together on a number of topical issues. The Commission will contribute to this debate by presenting and explaining its priorities and policy actions in areas like economic affairs, migration, security, social affairs, and energy. Nine members of the College of Commissioners (Vice-Presidents Šefčovič, Dombrovskis and Katainen, and Commissioners Oettinger, Malmström, Avramopoulos, Thyssen, Moscovici, and King) will be participating in a range of sessions and attending meetings with leaders from politics, business and civil society from across Europe.


The European Business Summit is a conference of business leaders and policy makers taking place every year in Brussels and organised by the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium and BUSINESSEUROPE.

The event:

2017 European Business Summit, from 22 to 23 May in Brussels. Participation of members of the College: a detailed schedule has been published in the Commissioners’ weekly calendar of activities (release date: Friday 19 May 2017).

On Tuesday 23 May, Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos and Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Marianne Thyssen will host the second meeting of the European Dialogue on Skills and Migration. The Commissioners will officially launch the “Employers together for integration” initiative.

The European Dialogue on Skills and Migration will be broadcast on EbS.


Detailed programme and a list of speakers:http://www.ebsummit.eu/PDF/programme2.pdf

European Business Summit: http://www.ebsummit.eu/index