2024 Voter Registration Campaign launched (with video)

     The 2024 Voter Registration Campaign was launched today (April 22). The Registration and Electoral Office (REO) appeals to eligible persons/bodies who have not yet registered as electors/voters of geographical constituency (GC), functional constituency and/or Election Committee subsector to submit registration applications on or before the statutory deadline of June 2 so that their registration particulars can be included in the final registers of electors/voters to be published in September this year.
     Hong Kong permanent residents holding an identity document, who have reached 18 years of age and are ordinarily residing in Hong Kong, are eligible to register as GC electors.
     A spokesperson for the REO said, "Subsequent to the pilot scheme launched last year, the REO welcomes eligible persons to submit applications this year for new registration as GC electors and change of voter registration particulars including providing/updating mobile phone number and email address through 'iAM Smart+'." The REO has provided a step-by-step guide on its Voter Registration website (www.reo.gov.hk/video/voter/GCVRguide-EN.mp4) to help the public understand how to submit applications through "iAM Smart+".
     "Members of the public may also check their registration status through 'iAM Smart', the Voter Registration website (vr.gov.hk) or by calling the REO hotline at 2891 1001."
     Applications for new registration as GC electors or change of residential address by registered electors must be submitted along with an address proof. Applicants should also provide their phone number and email address for easy contact by the REO. Those who are the registered occupants of public rental housing under the Housing Department or subsidised housing under the Hong Kong Housing Society are not required to submit any address proof.
     There is no need for registered electors/voters to register again, but they should notify the REO in case of any changes in their residential address or other registration particulars by the same statutory deadline of June 2.

     Meanwhile, to enhance the accuracy and integrity of the registration particulars of electors, the REO will continue to implement checking measures during this registration cycle and issue inquiry letters to electors. A message, "Immediate action required. Your voting right is at stake", is printed on the envelopes of all inquiry letters to remind electors that the letters are important. The REO will also contact the electors under inquiry through other contact information they provided by phone, SMS, email or fax, to remind them to reply as soon as possible. Electors under inquiry must reply on or before June 2 by scanning the QR code on the letter to log on to the Voter Registration website, or by email, post or fax, so as to maintain their voter registration status.
     The Announcements in the Public Interest of the Voter Registration Campaign will run on television, radio and the online platforms from today. Promotional messages will also be displayed on posters, social media platforms, websites, mobile applications as well as at MTR stations and bus shelters.
     Apart from submitting applications through "iAM Smart+", specified forms for new registration and change of registration particulars are available on the Voter Registration website (vr.gov.hk) for download, or at the District Offices, the management offices of public housing estates and the REO. Completed forms can be sent to the REO by post (13/F, Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre, 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay), by fax (2891 1180), by email (form@reo.gov.hk) or via the REO e-Form Upload Platform (www.reo-form.gov.hk).