2022 Mainland-Hong Kong Joint Funding Scheme opens for applications


     The Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) today (May 10) launched the 2022 Mainland-Hong Kong Joint Funding Scheme to invite proposals for applied research and development (R&D) projects jointly conducted by institutions in Hong Kong and the Mainland under three specific themes:
(a) Biotechnology: Research and development of biopharmaceuticals such as vaccines and antibody-based medicines; research on Chinese medicine for prevention and treatment of major clinical diseases; research on Chinese medicine-based new medicines; and applications of synthetic biology technologies;
(b) Artificial Intelligence (AI): Research on the security and privacy of AI systems; smart transportation; intelligent robots and related applied technologies in extreme weather/natural disasters; brain-inspired intelligence; and smart healthcare such as medical robots; and
(c) New Materials: Optoelectronic materials; third-generation semiconductor technologies; key materials for hydrogen fuel cells; materials for highly safe lithium-ion batteries; and biomedical materials.
     Applications will be accepted from today until June 30.
     The Scheme aims to support and encourage further R&D collaboration between Hong Kong and the Mainland. Applications must be submitted simultaneously by the Hong Kong and Mainland institutions to the ITC and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) respectively, and the R&D work must be conducted in both places and involve co-operation between the two places. The ITC and MOST will provide funding to the Hong Kong and Mainland applicant organisations respectively, and will monitor project progress according to their own requirements.
     Further information can be obtained at the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) website (www.itf.gov.hk/en/mhkjfs). For enquiries, please contact the ITF Secretariat (Tel: 3655 5678; email: enquiry@itf.gov.hk).

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