2021 Population Census to commence second phase on July 18

     The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) today (July 9) reminded the public that the second phase of data collection of the 2021 Population Census (Census) will be conducted from July 18 to August 4. Census officers will visit households that have yet to submit the completed questionnaires to conduct face-to-face interviews. They will not visit those households that have submitted the questionnaire.

     The census officers, working in pairs, will wear a purple T-shirt uniform with a Census badge and carry a red satchel with the Census logo. They will also identify themselves with a Census Officer Certificate of Identity issued by the C&SD. Households should check their identity carefully before admitting them to their premises or providing data to them.

     A spokesman for the C&SD appealed to households to participate in the Census before July 18 by completing their questionnaires online or by telephone or postal means in order to reduce face-to-face contact. Up to July 8, around 710 000 households have completed questionnaires, of which about 60 per cent were submitted online. 

     The spokesman stressed that the Census data is vital for the future development of Hong Kong and encouraged the public to participate in the Census. Information collected in the Census will be kept in strict confidence and will not be disclosed to any unauthorised parties. 

     The Census is conducted under section 9 of the Census and Statistics Ordinance (Cap. 316). All persons specified are obliged to provide the required information. It is an offence if any person contravenes the legal requirement for completing the Census questionnaire.