2021 Population Census Poster Design Competition and Mobile Messaging Application Sticker Design Competition invite entries

     The 2021 Population Census Poster Design Competition for Primary School Students and Mobile Messaging Application Sticker Design Competition for Secondary School Students are now open for entries. Students in primary and secondary schools are invited to participate.
     A spokesman for the Census and Statistics Department said today (December 4), "The 2021 Population Census will be conducted from June to August next year. The competitions aim to raise public awareness of the 2021 Population Census and to encourage the use of online questionnaires."
     There are two divisions for the Poster Design Competition (Junior Primary and Senior Primary) and two divisions for the Mobile Messaging Application Sticker Design Competition (Junior Secondary and Senior Secondary). Entrants may enter as an individual or as part of a team.
     In each division there will be a champion, a first runner-up, a second runner-up and three distinguished prizes. In addition, the judging panel will select finalist entries from each division for online voting by the public in February 2021 tentatively. The poster and the mobile messaging application sticker with the highest number of votes respectively will each be awarded a Most Liked Award. The primary and secondary schools with the highest number of participants will each receive a Most Supportive School Award.
     Entrants should submit their entries through their schools and the deadline for submission is January 31, 2021. Entries should be submitted together with completed and signed application forms, either by mail to "2021 Population Census Office, 39/F, Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, HK" or through e-mail to census2021@censtatd.gov.hk. Please mark "2021 Population Census Poster Design Competition for Primary School Students" or "2021 Population Census Mobile Messaging Application Sticker Design Competition for Secondary School Students" on the envelope or the subject line of the e-mail.
     Details of the competitions and other reference materials about the online questionnaires are available on the thematic website of the 2021 Population Census (www.census2021.gov.hk/s_c.html). For enquiries, please call 3428 2592 during office hours (8.45 am to 6 pm from Monday to Friday, except public holidays).
     The competitions' results will be announced at the award presentation ceremony in May 2021.