2021 Election Committee subsector final register of voters to be released tomorrow

     The 2021 Election Committee subsector (ECSS) final register of voters will be released tomorrow (August 5). Registered individual and corporate voters may log in to the Online Voter Information Enquiry System (www.voterinfo.gov.hk), or call the election hotline on 2891 1001 to check their own registration particulars.
     "The 2021 ECSS final register of voters contains 7 971 voters, of which there are 2 551 individual voters and 5 420 corporate voters. These registered voters may vote in the 2021 ECSS Ordinary Elections on September 19," a spokesman for the Registration and Electoral Office (REO) said.
     The spokesman added that a net increase of 80 voters has been recorded in the 2021 ECSS final register compared to the provisional register. The figure reflects the follow-up actions taken by the REO, including those on the claims and objections cases received, after the publication of the provisional register. With the approval of the Revising Officer, the individuals/bodies concerned have been deleted from/included in the final register accordingly.
     Statistical information about the ECSS final registers of voters is available on the voter registration website (www.voterregistration.gov.hk) from tomorrow onwards.
     The 2021 ECSS final register will be made available for inspection by specified parties from tomorrow at the REO's two offices located at 10/F, Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, and 13/F, Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre, 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon. In accordance with the judgment of the judicial review case of the Junior Police Officers' Association handed down by the Court of Appeal on May 21, 2020, and the order made at the hearing on May 27, 2020 (Case No.: CACV 73/2020), the aforementioned register is made available for inspection during ordinary business hours at the aforesaid two offices by validly nominated candidates, members of the press (the REO adopts the list of subscribers of the Government News and Media Information System) and political parties (i.e. political bodies/organisations which meet the specified requirements). As for the parts of the 2021 ECSS final register which contain only the registered particulars of corporate voters and do not show the linked information of individual voters (i.e. their names and principal residential addresses), they are available for public inspection.
     The REO will provide four inspection time slots (one hour and 30 minutes for each time slot) on each working day. Eligible organisations/persons/members of the public may make appointments for inspection on a first-come, first-served basis. Each eligible organisation/person/member of the public may reserve one time slot per day. Applicants may make appointments to inspect the register of voters by calling 2891 4082/2891 2070 during ordinary business hours starting from today (August 4). Upon completion of the initial reservation by phone, the applicant is required to fill in and return a reservation form to the REO by a specified deadline to confirm the reservation.
     The REO's ordinary business hours are from 9am to 12.30pm and from 1.30pm to 6pm, Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays).

      The notice on the inspection of the ECSS final register of voters will be gazetted tomorrow.