200 residents of Sha Tau Kok receive Sinovac vaccine (with photos)


     The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Patrick Nip, today (June 22) visited Sha Tau Kok to view the administering of the Sinovac vaccine to about 200 residents, including elderly people, as arranged by the Government's outreach vaccination service. This is the first time that a district organisation has used the outreach vaccination service. 

     "Sha Tau Kok is located in a closed area with inconvenient external transport. I am grateful to the Sha Tau Kok District Rural Committee, New Territories, for its support for the vaccination programme by actively encouraging and arranging for the elderly in the area to receive vaccination. Thanks to its invitation and the provision of the venue, the outreach team has come here to provide them with a convenient way to get vaccinated. I also wish to extend my gratitude to the residents and the elderly for their support and actions to help build up an immunity barrier for Hong Kong," Mr Nip said. 

     "Persons who got vaccinated today are residents of Sha Tau Kok. Some are elderly persons and some have mobility difficulties. The outreach vaccination service provides them with a convenient vaccination channel, not only enabling them to get vaccinated in a familiar environment, but also assisting them to take rest at home after vaccination without having to travel long distances.

     "It is very important to have a correct understanding of the information and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines. The elderly are the group with the highest risk of complications and death from the COVID-19 disease. Hence, the experts strongly recommend them to get vaccinated to protect themselves and their family members, and to help restore normality to the community." 
     Mr Nip called on various sectors and industries to join the Government in promoting the Early Vaccination for All campaign and encourage people to get vaccinated so as to help build an immune barrier in Hong Kong as soon as possible by significantly raising the vaccination rate, thereby restoring normality to society sooner rather than later. 

     Should enterprises and organisations have a sufficient number of employees who would like to get vaccinated and a suitable venue with sufficient space, they can make use of the outreach vaccination service so that their employees can be vaccinated in a more convenient way. Enterprises and groups can call the hotline for the outreach vaccination service at 3904 1490 from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 6pm, for arrangements. 

     There has been enthusiastic support for the outreach vaccination programme since it was launched by the Civil Service Bureau (CSB). Having provided the outreach vaccination service to the Hong Kong Sports Institute, global professional services enterprises, a property developer, a financial institution, the construction industry and a public transport operator, the CSB is now proactively in discussions with enterprises and groups from various sectors, including post-secondary institutions, public utilities and theme parks and the like on the feasibility of providing the service to them.  

     Mr Nip expressed his gratitude to the medical team and administrative support staff of the Community Vaccination Centre at Tin Fai Road Sports Centre for providing the outreach service today.

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