1823 responds to media report

     In response to a media report today (August 24), the Efficiency Office made the following clarifications:
     The public can attach photos/videos when lodging enquiries/complaints with the 1823.  The channels include emails (tellme@1823.gov.hk), web form (www.1823.gov.hk) or the 1823 mobile app (Tell me@1823).  In general, photos taken by mobile phones can be uploaded.  In the past two months alone, 1823 has received more than 43 000 photo/video attachments.
     Regarding the case in the news report, following established procedures, 1823 has referred the case to the relevant departments for follow up action, and conveyed a reply to the complainant in a timely manner.
     A spokesman for the Efficiency Office indicated that in the light of rising aspirations on the quality of public services, 1823 strives to enhance its services.  The plans include improving and updating the 1823 system from time to time and the introduction of chatbot services in order to render better services through the adoption of innovation and technology.