18 Districts’ Pledging cum Cheering Team Competition of 7th Hong Kong Games held today (with photos)

     The 18 Districts' Pledging cum Cheering Team Competition of the 7th Hong Kong Games (HKG) was held at Queen Elizabeth Stadium today (February 24), showing the full support of relevant organisations as well as the readiness of athletes from 18 districts to strive for success in the Games. The Cheering Team Competition encouraged members of the public to give support to the athletes and created a cheerful atmosphere for the 7th HKG.

     Officiating at the ceremony, the Under Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Jack Chan, said Hong Kong athletes have had outstanding performances in international sports events in recent years. "To achieve such excellence in the international sports arena, apart from athletes' strenuous training and cultivation, building a solid foundation by continuous promotion of a 'Sport for All' culture at the community level is also important. The biennial HKG has fulfilled the mission and is a major event of the Government to promote 'Sport for All' in the community."

     The inter-district sports competitions of the 7th HKG will commence soon. Athletes from the 18 districts will represent their districts to compete at the Games, enhancing communication and fostering friendship among the 18 districts. Mr Chan encouraged members of the public to watch the Games and cheer on the athletes. They can also show support for the Games by taking part in community participation programmes, he added.

     Also officiating at the ceremony, the Chairman of the 7th HKG Organising Committee, Mr David Yip, said that rugby sevens will be included as a new demonstration sport in the 7th HKG. Two competitions, namely the Wheelchair Basketball Challenge and the Swimming Invitation Competition for People with Intellectual Disabilities, will continue to be organised in the 7th HKG, providing more opportunities for persons with disabilities to participate in sports.

     He said, "Members of the public participated actively in the athlete selection of the 7th HKG, with the participation of more than 7 400 people, an increase of 1 000 compared to the last HKG. More than 3 300 athletes were nominated to represent their districts to take part in the competition. A new promotional video featuring local elite athletes and sports ambassadors has been produced to appeal to the public to watch the sports competitions and take part in the community participation programmes of the HKG."

     The pledging ceremony was staged at Queen Elizabeth Stadium for the first time together with the 18 Districts' Cheering Team Competition, allowing a larger audience to witness the event. Results of the competition will be announced today on the dedicated HKG website   (http://www.hongkonggames.hk/).

     Cheerleaders from the 18 districts showcased the uniqueness and vitality of their districts today through their performances combining dancing, cheering and chanting, and competed for the Best Performance Award, the Best Local Characteristics Award and the Highest Popularity Award.

     The Best Performance Award assesses the content, action arrangement and onstage presentation of performers, as well as the skills in movements and overall performance. The Best Local Characteristics Award recognises teams that present the best overall impression, with techniques, costumes and appearance, slogans, music and songs that reflect the characteristics of their districts. The Highest Popularity Award will be given to the team which obtains the most votes from the audience through "one person, one vote". The winning teams will give performances at the Opening Ceremony of the 7th HKG on April 28. The prizes will be presented at the Closing cum Prize Presentation Ceremony of the 7th HKG on June 2.  

     The HKG is a territory-wide major multi-sports event held biennially with the 18 District Councils (DCs) as the participating units. The inter-district sports competitions of the 7th HKG will be held between April 28 and June 2 this year, covering eight sports competitions, namely athletics, badminton, basketball, futsal, swimming, table tennis, tennis and volleyball.

     Other community participation programmes of the HKG will also commence, including the Jockey Club Vitality Run to be held on March 10 alongside the Shing Mun River in Sha Tin. A carnival will also be held at Yuen Wo Playground on the event day. Members of the public can enjoy activities such as stage performances, sports demonstrations, game booths, a family area and a photo corner to share the fun of sports. They can also vote for "My Favourite Sporty District" and guess the "Overall Champion of the 7th HKG". Photography enthusiasts can take pictures of the exciting scenes of sports competitions and activities of the 7th HKG to participate in the "Dynamic Moments Photo Contest". Details of the sports competitions and community participation programmes are available at the dedicated website.

     Also officiating at today's ceremony were the President of the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, Mr Timothy Fok; the Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Ms Michelle Li; and the Vice Chairman of the 7th HKG Organising Committee, Professor Patrick Yung.  Representatives of the 18 DCs and relevant National Sports Associations also attended the event to show their support.

     The 7th HKG is organised by the Sports Commission and co-ordinated by the Community Sports Committee along with the 18 DCs; the Leisure and Cultural Services Department; the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China; and relevant National Sports Associations as co-organisers. The Hong Kong Jockey Club is recognised as the Principal Contributor.

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